Queenstown Airport (UTW) – Arrivals

Queenstown Airport (UTW)

FAQ Queenstown Airport UTW Arrivals

Where is Queenstown Airport (UTW) located?

Queenstown Airport is one of the airports in South Africa and is located near the city Queenstown. Geographically, the airport is on the

latitude: -31.92020035° and longitude: 26.88220024° and is elevated 3637 meters above sea level (m asl).

Where is the cheapest place to buy airline tickets for travelling to Queenstown Airport (UTW)?

Flightradar.live helps you to find and buy tickets for the cheapest flights to Queenstown Airport. Search for special offers with 728 airlines and leading ticket offices and get the best prices on flight tickets. Be inspired and take advantage of our latest special deals and discounts on exclusive flights. Start planning your next adventure, beach holiday, relaxing vacation or city trip and book your flight today. Find cheap flights.

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How do I get the cheapest hotel rates for my stay in Queenstown after I arrive?

Next to flights tickets, accommodation is the biggest chunk of any trip. These days, it's far too easy to waste your time and your money when planning. To simplify things, we have built a search engine to compare hotel prices from over 70 booking websites with just one search. Currently, the search includes 358,000 hotels, 110,000 hostels, 602,000 guesthouses and 3,972,000 rooms and is constantly growing. Book your hotel in Queenstown at the best price and discounts up to 60% right now today! Compare und find the best hotel room before you arrive at.

Can I hire a car at Queenstown Airport (UTW)?

If you are flying to Queenstown Airport (UTW) and would like to rent a car, you can do that in advance online or at the airport upon arrival. We recommend you to book the car before you start your trip. On the one hand, you often get better conditions than on the spot and on the other hand, you can receive your car relaxed after arrival without having to work through the myriad of formulars. We work with a number of well-known car hire branches at almost every airport including Argus, Auto Europe, Avis, Europcar, Hertz, Rentalcar and Sixt. Compare 900 car rental companies at over 60,000 locations and book from the ease of your home.

Where can I park my car at Queenstown Airport (UTW)?

Our goal is to provide you with the quickest and easiest way to book parking online. Find a secure, approved parking space at Queenstown Airport and save up to 60% when you book parking online in advance here. We work with wide range of approved operators across the world to ensure that you can find the right parking option at the lowest possible price. Book in advance and start your vacation relaxed.

What are the top attractions to visit in Queenstown after I arrive?

For many years, our experts have been chasing down the best activities on the planet's greatest cities and coolest areas. Every year brings more fresh out of the box attractions, events and things to do around the world than anyone could experience in a lifetime. Our local guides and supporters make it their main goal to scope out the very best experiences out there and add them to their local DO List: the essential guide to the best activities to do in every city, country and region they cover. So check out to find out about the best things to do in Queenstown after your arrival.

Where can I leave my luggage in Queenstown after my arrival?

If are looking for a safe and easy to access place to store your Luggage you can find them here. The storage sites are located inside existing businesses, hotels, retail outlets, cafes, and many more. All are vetted by a local employee, who performs regular quality checks. Every piece of luggage is secured with unique security seals provided for free.

Do I get a refund if my flight to Queenstown Airport was cancelled, delayed, overbooked or disrupted by airline staff strikes?

If you recently experienced a flight delay, flight cancellation, denied boarding, baggage problems, missed a connection or got affected by an airline staff strike, you may be eligible for compensation. Depending on your flight, flight scenario, and ultimate destination, understanding passenger rights and filing a claim can mean up to $700 per flight in reimbursements. Check out here if you are entitled for a refund for your flight to Queenstown Airport.

What is the airport IATA and ICAO code for Queenstown Airport?

Queenstown Airport was assigned the IATA code UTW, IATA is the abbreviation for International Air Transport Association (IATA). The ICAO code FAQT has been assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

How do I contact someone at Queenstown Airport (UTW) before or after my arrival?

Due to the large number of requests, we recommend visiting the airport's website as a first point of contact. There you will usually find a contact form that you can use for your request. The website of Queenstown Airport can be reached via the following link #. Secondly, you can contact someone at Queenstown Airport directly via phone at n/a or just send them an email to #. The longer the more it is also possible to get in touch with the airport via social media. If the airport has active profiles on social media you can find them below:

How can I check if my flight is delayed?

If you scroll further up you will find a table with all flights to Queenstown Airport. In the right column you will find the status of the flight you are interested in. You can see if the flight is currently still on the ground, in the air, already landed or if it is delayed. Below you will find the different flight statuses and their corresponding color:

  • scheduled
  • active
  • landed
  • landed late
  • cancelled
  • unknown

If your flight shows a "landed late", "cancelled" or "unknown" status, you might be entitled to receive compensation. You can easily check now if you are eligible to receive compensation of up to $700.

Do I need a travel visa for travelling to South Africa?

If you are unsure about the requirements regarding a travel visa you can use your service here. There you can use an up-to-date visa requirements tool to search if you need a travel visa. It's as simple as telling where you are from and where you are going to. Based on this you will get the information about how much the visa costs, the number of entries, the start date and give you an action step such as applying directly on the website!

Can I track flights landing at Queenstown Airport (UTW) in real time?

Yes, you can do that with the flight tracking service of flightradar.live. Track live flights around the world on a map 24/7 and check the status of the airplanes in real time. Explore detailed aircraft and flight data and watch the take-offs and landings in real time at Queenstown Airport.

What other places in the world could I discover?

Stack up your bucket list: Discover new beautiful places around the world! Travel to the best events, historic cities, stunning landscapes, white sand beaches or have fun with brand new attractions. Here is a selection of interesting destinations, in addition, the linear distance to Queenstown Airport is shown in parentheses: